Wijmo UI for the Web
animationOptions Option
wijmo.superpanel.wijsuperpanel Namespace > options type : animationOptions Option

Type: wijmo.superpanel.superpanel_animation

The animationOptions function determines whether or not the animation is shown. If true, it defines the animation effect and controls other aspects of the widget's animation, such as duration, queue, and easing.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  wijmo.superpanel.superpanel_animation
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijsuperpanel("option", "animationOptions");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  wijmo.superpanel.superpanel_animation
    $(".selector").wijsuperpanel("option", "animationOptions", newValue);
var animationOptions : superpanel_animation;
    animationOptions: {
        disabled: false,
        duration: 1000,
        easing: easeInQuad
Set this options to null to disable animation.
See Also


options type
wijsuperpanel jQuery Widget