Wijmo UI for the Web
scrollMode Field
wijmo.superpanel Namespace > superpanel_vscroller Interface : scrollMode Field

This value determines the scroll mode of vertical scrolling.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.superpanel.superpanel_vscroller;
var value; // Type: string
value = instance.scrollMode;
var scrollMode : string;
Possible options are: "scrollBar", "buttons", "buttonsHover" and "edge". "scrollBar" - Scroll bars are used for scrolling. "buttons" - Scroll buttons are used for scrolling. Scrolling occurs only when scroll buttons are clicked. "buttonsHover" - Scroll buttons are used for scrolling. Scrolling occurs only when scroll buttons are hovered. "edge" - Scrolling occurs when the mouse is moving to the edge of the content area. Scroll modes can be combined with each other. For example, vScrollMode: "scrollbar,scrollbuttons" will enable both a scrollbar and scroll buttons.
See Also


superpanel_vscroller Interface