Wijmo UI for the Web
request Event
wijmo.maps.wijvirtuallayer Namespace > options type : request Event
The Raphael paper to draw the items.
The min zoom suits the current request slice.
The max zoom suits the current request slice.
The coordinates of the lower left point of the current request slice, in geographic unit.
The coordinates of the upper right point of the current request slice, in geographic unit.
The function to be called when request the data.
$(function () {
    // Set request event handler function
        request : function (paper, minZoom, maxZoom, lowerLeft, upperRight) {
request = function ( 
   paper : RaphaelPaper,
   minZoom : number,
   maxZoom : number,
   lowerLeft : IPoint,
   upperRight : IPoint
) { };


The Raphael paper to draw the items.
The min zoom suits the current request slice.
The max zoom suits the current request slice.
The coordinates of the lower left point of the current request slice, in geographic unit.
The coordinates of the upper right point of the current request slice, in geographic unit.
<p>The virtual layer request the items to be drawn when the slice need be redrawn. If want to refresh the items, call refresh() method if necessary.</p> <p>The items will be arranged to the position based on it's location.</p>
See Also


options type
wijvirtuallayer jQuery Widget