Wijmo UI for the Web
pmDesignator Option
wijmo.input.wijinputdate Namespace > options type : pmDesignator Option

Default value: ""

Determines the string designator for hours that are "post meridiem" (after noon).

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  string
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijinputdate("option", "pmDesignator");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  string
    $(".selector").wijinputdate("option", "pmDesignator", newValue);
var pmDesignator : string;
The Text set in the amDesignator option is displayed in the position occupied by the keywords "tt" and "t" in the dateFormat or dipslayFormat.
If the custom pattern includes the format pattern "tt" and the time is after noon, the value of pmDesignator is displayed in place of the "tt" in the dateFormat or displayFormat pattern.
If the custom pattern includes the format pattern "t", only the first character of pmDesignator is displayed.
If setting "tt" in format and not setting amDesignator/pmDesignator options, it will show the string getting from the specified culture.
If not set, it will show "午前"/"午後" in Japanese culture and "AM"/"PM" in English culture.
If setting "t" in format and not setting amDesignator/pmDesignator options, it will show the string getting from current culture.
If not set, it will display "午" in Japanese culture and "A"/"P" in English culture.
See Also


options type
wijinputdate jQuery Widget