Wijmo UI for the Web
dataLoading Event
wijmo.grid.wijgrid Namespace > options type : dataLoading Event
The jQuery.Event object.
The dataLoading event handler is a function that is called when the wijgrid loads a portion of data from the underlying datasource. This can be used for modification of data sent to server if using dynamic remote wijdatasource.
$(function () {
    // Set dataLoading event handler function
        dataLoading : function (e) {
dataLoading = function ( 
   e : Object
) { };


The jQuery.Event object.
// This sample allows you to set the session ID when loading a portion of data from the remote wijdatasource:
    data: new wijdatasource({
        proxy: new wijhttpproxy({
            // some code here
    dataLoading: function (e) {
        var dataSource = $(this).wijgrid("option", "data");
        dataSource.proxy.options.data.sessionID = getSessionID();
You can bind to the event either by type or by name. Bind to the event by name: $("#element").wijgrid({ dataLoading: function (e) { // some code here }}); Bind to the event by type: $("#element").bind("wijgriddataloading", function (e) { // some code here });
See Also


options type
wijgrid jQuery Widget