Wijmo UI for the Web
staticColumnIndex Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IWijgridOptions Interface : staticColumnIndex Field

Indicates the index of columns that will always be shown on the left when the grid view is scrolled horizontally. Obsoleted, use the scrollingSettings.staticColumnIndex property instead.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IWijgridOptions;
var value; // Type: number
value = instance.staticColumnIndex;
var staticColumnIndex : number;
$("#element").wijgrid({ staticColumnIndex: -1 });
Note that all columns before the static column will be automatically marked as static, too. This can only take effect when the scrollMode option is not set to "none". It will be considered "-1" when grouping or row merging is enabled. A "-1" means there is no data column but the row header is static. A zero (0) means one data column and row header are static.
See Also


IWijgridOptions Interface