Wijmo UI for the Web
selectionMode Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IDetailSettings Interface : selectionMode Field

Determines which cells, range of cells, columns, or rows can be selected at one time. Possible values are: "none", "singleCell", "singleColumn", "singleRow", "singleRange", "multiColumn", "multiRow" and "multiRange".

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IDetailSettings;
var value; // Type: string
value = instance.selectionMode;
var selectionMode : string;
// Set selectionMode to muliColumn and users can select more than one column using the CTRL or SHIFT keys.
$("#element").wijgrid({ selectionMode: "multiColumn" });
Possible values are: "none": Selection is turned off. "singleCell": Only a single cell can be selected at a time. "singleColumn": Only a single column can be selected at a time. "singleRow": Only a single row can be selected at a time. "singleRange": Only a single range of cells can be selected at a time. "multiColumn": It is possible to select more than one row at the same time using the mouse and the CTRL or SHIFT keys. "multiRow": It is possible to select more than one row at the same time using the mouse and the CTRL or SHIFT keys. "multiRange": It is possible to select more than one cells range at the same time using the mouse and the CTRL or SHIFT keys.
See Also


IDetailSettings Interface