Wijmo UI for the Web
ensureColumnsPxWidth Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IDetailSettings Interface : ensureColumnsPxWidth Field

Determines if the exact column width, in pixels, is used.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IDetailSettings;
var value; // Type: boolean
value = instance.ensureColumnsPxWidth;
var ensureColumnsPxWidth : boolean;
$("#element").wijgrid({ ensureColumnsPxWidth: true });
By default, wijgrid emulates the table element behavior when using a number as the width. This means wijgrid may not have the exact width specified. If exact width is needed, please set the ensureColumnsPxWidth option of wijgrid to true. If this option is set to true, wijgrid will not expand itself to fit the available space.Instead, it will use the width option of each column widget.
See Also


IDetailSettings Interface