Wijmo UI for the Web
template Field
wijmo.gauge Namespace > gauge_pointer Interface : template Field

A JavaScript callback value that returns a Raphael element that draws the pointer.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.gauge.gauge_pointer;
var value; // Type: Function
value = instance.template;
var template : Function;
Use this option to customize the pointer. In order to use the template, you must know how to draw Raphael graphics For more information,see the Raphael documentation. In radial gauge: The pointer template's callback contains two arguments: startLocation -- The starting point from which to draw the pointer. This argument is defined by x and y coordinates. pointerInfo -- A JSON object that extends the gauge's pointer options: offset -- Sets the percentage of the pointer that is shoved backward through the origin. length -- Sets the absolute value in pixels of the length of the pointer. gaugeBBox -- An object that sets the bounding box of the gauge, as defined by x and y coordinates and width and height options.
See Also


gauge_pointer Interface