Wijmo UI for the Web
data Option
wijmo.filter.wijfilter Namespace > options type : data Option

An array of data to get filtering values from where each element is a one-dimensional array or object: [[ val0, ..., valN ], ..., [ val0, ..., valN ]] or [{ prop0: val0, ..., propN: valN }, ..., { prop0: val0, ..., propN: valN }]

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  array
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijfilter("option", "data");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  array
    $(".selector").wijfilter("option", "data", newValue);
var data : array;
$("#element").wijfilter({ data: [{ ID: 0, Name: "Name0" }, { ID: 1, Name: "Name1" }] });
See Also


options type
wijfilter Method