Wijmo UI for the Web
options type
wijmo.fileexplorer.wijfileexplorer Namespace : options type
Inheritance Hierarchy


public Option

A value that determines the uri of action which executes the file/folder operations.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that determines whether to allow changing the extension of the file while renaming.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that determines whether to allow multiple items selection.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that determines whether to use paging.

public Option

A value that indicates the url of current folder.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that determines whether or not to disable the wijfileexplorer widget.

public Option

Default value: true

A value that determines whether to allow copying of files/folders.

public Option

Default value: true

A value that determines whether to allow creating new folders.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that determines whether to perform the filtering after the 'Enter' key is pressed.

public Option

Default value: true

A value that determines whether to allow opening a new window with the file.

public Option

A value that determines the host uri of current web application.

public Option

A value that determines initial path to load data into the wijfileexplorer widget.

public Option

A value that determines the explorer mode of the wijfileexplorer widget. Possible values are: 'default' and 'fileTree'

public Option

Default value: 10

A value that determines the number of items loaded per page when using paging.

public Option

A string array that determines the patterns of files that are shown, usually the file extensions.

public Option

Type: wijmo.fileexplorer.IShortcuts

A object that determines the shortcuts.

public Option

Default value: 200

A value that determines the width of the TreeView.

public Option

A string value that determines the ViewMode of the wijfileexplorer widget. Possible values are: 'detail' and 'thumbnail'

public Option

A string array that determines the folder paths to show in the wijfileexplorer widget.

public Option

A value that determines which components will be shown in wijfileexplorer.

public EventThe errorOccurred event handler. A function called when an error occurs.  
public EventThe fileOpened event handler. A function called after the file is opened.  
public EventThe fileOpening event handler. A function called before the file is opened.  
public EventThe filtered event handler. A function called after filtering.  
public EventThe filtering event handler. A function called before filtering.  
public EventThe folderChanged event handler. A function called after current folder is changed.  
public EventThe folderLoaded event handler. A function called after the current folder is loaded.  
public EventThe itemCopied event handler. A function called after the item is copied.  
public EventThe itemCopying event handler. A function called before the item is copied.  
public EventThe itemDeleted event handler. A function called after the item is deleted.  
public EventThe itemDeleting event handler. A function called before the item is deleted.  
public EventThe itemMoved event handler. A function called after the item is moved.  
public EventThe itemMoving event handler. A function called before the item is moved.  
public EventThe itemPasted event handler. A function called after the item is pasted.  
public EventThe itemPasting event handler. A function called before the item is pasted.  
public EventThe itemRenamed event handler. A function called after the item is renamed.  
public EventThe itemRenaming event handler. A function called before the item is renamed.  
public EventThe itemSelected event handler. A function called after the item is selected.  
public EventThe newFolderCreated event handler. A function called after a new folder is created.  
public EventThe newFolderCreating event handler. A function called before a new folder is created.  
See Also


wijmo.fileexplorer.wijfileexplorer Namespace