Wijmo UI for the Web
exportEventsCalendar Method
wijmo.evcal Namespace > wijevcal type : exportEventsCalendar Method
1.The name of the exported file. 2.Settings of exporting, should be conformed to wijmo.exporter.IEventsCalendarExportSettings
The type of the exported file.
The export service url.
The setting of pdf.
with different mode, 1. "Content" Sending EventsCalendar markup to the service for exporting. 2. "Options" Sending EventsCalendar widget options to the service for exporting.
Exports the EventsCalendar in a graphic format. The export method only works when wijmo.exporter.eventscalendarExport's reference is on the page.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    // Parameters
    var exportSettings; // Type:  undefined
    var type; // Type:  undefined
    var serviceUrl; // Type:  undefined
    var pdfSettings; // Type:  undefined
    var exportMethod; // Type:  undefined
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijevcal("exportEventsCalendar", exportSettings, type, serviceUrl, pdfSettings, exportMethod);
function exportEventsCalendar( 
   exportSettings : undefined,
   type : undefined,
   serviceUrl : undefined,
   pdfSettings : undefined,
   exportMethod : undefined
) : any;


1.The name of the exported file. 2.Settings of exporting, should be conformed to wijmo.exporter.IEventsCalendarExportSettings
The type of the exported file.
The export service url.
The setting of pdf.
with different mode, 1. "Content" Sending EventsCalendar markup to the service for exporting. 2. "Options" Sending EventsCalendar widget options to the service for exporting.
$("#evcal").wijevcal("exportEventsCalendar", "eventscalendar", "png");
Default exported file type is png, possible types are: jpg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, pdf.
See Also


wijevcal type
wijevcal jQuery Widget