Wijmo UI for the Web
addCalendar Method
wijmo.evcal Namespace > wijevcal type : addCalendar Method
Calendar object. Calendar object fields: id - String, unique calendar id, this field generated automatically; name - String, calendar name; location - String, location field; description - String, calendar description; color - String, calendar color; tag - String, this field can be used to store custom information.
Function that will be called when calendar is added.
Function that will be called when calendar can not be added.(e.g. due to data source or memory problems).
Adds a new calendar.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  bool
    // Parameters
    var o; // Type:  object
    var successCallback; // Type:  any
    var errorCallback; // Type:  any
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijevcal("addCalendar", o, successCallback, errorCallback);
function addCalendar( 
   o : object,
   successCallback : any,
   errorCallback : any
) : bool;


Calendar object. Calendar object fields: id - String, unique calendar id, this field generated automatically; name - String, calendar name; location - String, location field; description - String, calendar description; color - String, calendar color; tag - String, this field can be used to store custom information.
Function that will be called when calendar is added.
Function that will be called when calendar can not be added.(e.g. due to data source or memory problems).
$("#wijevcal").wijevcal("addCalendar", { 
name: "My calendar", 
location: "Home", 
description: "Some description",
color: "lime" 
See Also


wijevcal type
wijevcal jQuery Widget