Wijmo UI for the Web
sort Field
wijmo.data Namespace > IPagedDataView Interface : sort Field

Type: wijmo.data.IMutableObservable

An observable property that gets or sets the sort to be applied to the data view. When assigned, the data view is refreshed.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.data.IPagedDataView;
var value; // Type: IMutableObservable
value = instance.sort;
var sort : IMutableObservable;
The following formats of a sort are defined by the IDataView interface: 1) A string, a comma-separated list of property names with optional " asc" or " desc" suffixes. 2) An array of ISortDescriptor instances 3) A comparison function of type (a, b) => number. In this case sorting and paging are always done on the client-side Examples: customerView.sort("firstName"); productView.sort("unitPrice desc, productName");
See Also


IPagedDataView Interface