Wijmo UI for the Web
refresh Method
wijmo.checkbox Namespace > wijcheckbox type : refresh Method
The event that fires the refresh the checkbox.
Use the refresh method to set the checkbox element's style.
$(function () {
          var options; // Type:  wijmo.checkbox.wijcheckbox.options
          // Create a new wijcheckbox widget
          // Get a previously created wijcheckbox widget instance
          var widgetInstance; // Type:  wijmo.checkbox.wijcheckbox
          widgetInstance = $(".selector").data("");
          var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    // Parameters
    var e; // Type:  object
    returnsValue = widgetInstance.refresh(e);
function refresh( 
   e : object
) : any;


The event that fires the refresh the checkbox.
See Also


wijcheckbox type
wijcheckbox jQuery Widget