Wijmo UI for the Web
calloutFilled Field
wijmo.chart Namespace > chart_hint Interface : calloutFilled Field
Determines whether to fill the callout (the small triangle that points from the main hint box to the bubble it describes). If you set it to true, the callout triangle uses the colors you specify in the calloutFilledStyle attribute. Otherwise, it takes on the colors of the style attribute of the hint.
Default: false
Type: Boolean
var instance; // Type: wijmo.chart.chart_hint;
var value; // Type: boolean
value = instance.calloutFilled;
var calloutFilled : boolean;

This example sets the calloutFilled attribute of the hint to true, sets the fill and outline colors of the calloutFilledStyle to red, and sets the style of the hint to purple with a blue outline so that you can easily see the different elements.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
        axis: {
            y: {text: "Number of Products"},
            x: {text: "Sales", annoFormatString: "C0"}
        hint: {
            calloutFilled: true,
            calloutFilledStyle: {fill: "red", stroke: "red"},
            style: {fill: "purple", "stroke-width": "2", stroke: "blue"},
            content: function(){
                return this.data.label + '\n' + 
                Globalize.format(this.y1, "p0") + ' ';
        legend: {visible: false},
        seriesList: [
            label: "Company A Market Share",
            data: { y: [14], x: [12200], y1: [.15] }
        }, {
            label: "Company B Market Share",
            data: { y: [20], x: [60000], y1: [.23] }
        }, {
            label: "Company C Market Share",
            data: { y: [18], x: [24400], y1: [.1] }
If you set it to true, the callout triangle uses the colors you specify in the calloutFilledStyle attribute. Otherwise, it takes on the colors of the style attribute of the hint.
See Also


chart_hint Interface