Wijmo UI for the Web
x Field
wijmo.chart Namespace > chart_axes Interface : x Field
An object containing all of the information to create the X axis of the chart.
Type: Object
Default: see example code below.
var instance; // Type: wijmo.chart.chart_axes;
var value; // Type: chart_axis
value = instance.x;
var x : chart_axis;
This is the default value of the axis x object.
    alignment: "center",
    style: {stroke: "#999999", "stroke-width": 0.5}, 
    visible: true, 
    textVisible: true,
    text: "",
    textStyle: {fill: "#888", "font-size": 15, "font-weight": "bold"}, 
    labels: {
        style: {fill: "#333", "font-size": 11},
        textAlign: "near", 
        width: null
    compass: "south",
    autoMin: true,
    autoMax: true,
    min: null,
    max: null,
    origin: null,
    autoMajor: true,
    autoMinor: true,
    unitMajor: null,
    unitMinor: null,
    gridMajor: {
        visible: false, 
        style: {stroke: "#CACACA", "stroke-dasharray": "- "}
    gridMinor: {
        visible: false, 
        style: {stroke: "#CACACA", "stroke-dasharray": "- "}
    tickMajor: {
        position: "none", 
        style: {fill: "black"}, 
        factor: 1
    tickMinor: {
        position: "none",
        style: {fill: "black"},
    annoMethod: "values", 
See Also


chart_axes Interface