Wijmo UI for the Web
animated Field
wijmo.accordion Namespace > WijAccordionOptions Interface : animated Field

Sets the animation easing effect that users experience when they switch between panes.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.accordion.WijAccordionOptions;
var value; // Type: any
value = instance.animated;
var animated : any;
//Create your own animation:
jQuery.wijmo.wijaccordion.animations.custom1 = function (options) {
    this.slide(options, {
    easing: options.down ? "easeOutBounce" : "swing",
    duration: options.down ? 1000 : 200
     expandDirection: "right",
     animated: "custom1"
Set this option to false in order to disable easing. This results in a plain, abrupt shift from one pane to the next. You can also create custom easing animations using jQuery UI Easings Options available for the animation function include: down - If true, indicates that the index of the pane should be expanded higher than the index of the pane that must be collapsed. horizontal - If true, indicates that the accordion have a horizontal orientation (when the expandDirection is left or right). rightToLeft - If true, indicates that the content element is located before the header element (top and left expand direction). toShow - jQuery object that contains the content element(s) should be shown. toHide - jQuery object that contains the content element(s) should be hidden.
See Also


WijAccordionOptions Interface