Wijmo UI for the Web
Use an OData Web Service
Wijmo User Guide > Data > Data How To > Use an OData Web Service

Building on the Quick Start example, you can use the Data module to connect to a general OData web service.

  1. In the <head> section of your HTML file, replace the script that includes the document ready function with this one, which does the following:
    • Creates a ViewModel with the following properties:
      • Connects to a data source using the ODataView.
      • Sets the ajax dataType property to jsonp to allow cross-domain requests.
      • Sets the ajax data property to "$inlinecount": null so that the response does not include a count of the entries in the collection.
      • Sets the number of records per page to 10 using the pageSize option.
      • Refreshes the data using the refresh method.
    • Sets up the following functions to use in button click events:
      • Filters on Category ID or clears filters using the filter option.
      • Sorts on Product ID or Price using thesort option.
      • Sets the number of products per page to 10, or clears paging to show all (0) using the pageSize option.
      • Goes to the previous or next page using the prevPage and nextPage methods.
    • Binds the ViewModel to the container using KnockOut.
    ViewModel Script
    Copy Code
     <script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">
         $.support.cors = true;
         var viewModel;
         function ViewModel() {
             var productView = new wijmo.data.ODataView("http://services.odata.org/V2/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Products", {
                 ajax: {
                     dataType: "jsonp", 
                     data: { "$inlinecount": null },
                 pageSize: 10
             this.products = productView;
             this.clearFilter = function () {productView.filter(null);};
             this.filterBeverages = function () {productView.filter({ Category_ID: 1 });};
             this.filterCondiments = function () {productView.filter({ Category_ID: 2 });};
             this.sortId = function () {productView.sort("Product_ID");};
             this.sortPrice = function () {productView.sort("Unit_Price desc, Product_Name");};
             this.clearPaging = function () {productView.pageSize(0);};
             this.setPaging = function () {productView.pageSize(10);};
             this.prevPage = function () {productView.prevPage();};
             this.nextPage = function () {productView.nextPage();};
             $(document).ready(function () {
                 viewModel = new ViewModel();
                 ko.applyBindings(viewModel, $(".container").get(0));
  2. In the <body> section of your HTML file, replace the markup with this, which does the following:
    • Creates a table with buttons and binds the button click events to the functions in the script.
    • Creates a second table with a Grid widget, and binds the data to it.

    Drop down and copy code

    Grid Markup
    Copy Code
    <h2>Data - Modifiable Remote Data</h2>
                <button data-bind="click:filterBeverages, button: {}" type="button">Beverages</button>
                <button data-bind="click:filterCondiments, button: {}" type="button">Condiments</button>
            <th>Sort By</th>
                <button data-bind="click:sortId, button: {}" type="button">ID</button>
                <button data-bind="click:sortPrice, button: {}" type="button">Price, Name</button>
                <button data-bind="click:clearPaging, button: {}" type="button">Clear Paging</button>
                <button data-bind="click:setPaging, button: {}" type="button">Page Size = 10</button>
                <button data-bind="click:prevPage, button: {}" type="button">Previous Page</button>
                <button data-bind="click:nextPage, button: {}" type="button">Next Page</button>
    <table id="demo-grid" data-bind="wijgrid: { 
        data: products, 
        allowEditing: true, 
        allowSorting: true, 
        showFilter: true, 
        allowPaging: true,
        pagerSettings: { position: 'top' },
        columnsAutogenerationMode: 'none',
        columns: [
            { headerText: 'ID', dataKey: 'ProductID' },
            { headerText: 'Product Name', dataKey: 'ProductName' },
            { headerText: 'Category ID', dataKey: 'CategoryID' },
            { headerText: 'Unit Price', dataKey: 'UnitPrice', dataType: 'number', width: 200 }
        ] }" >
  3. Save your HTML file and open it in a browser. The grid appears like the live widget below.
See Also

