Wijmo UI for the Web
Wijmo User Guide > Concepts > Integrating Frameworks > TypeScript

TypeScript is Microsoft's new language designed to develop a wide range of applications. Its syntax includes ECMAScript 6 features, such as modules and classes. Modules allow efficient code compilation without producing naming conflicts, and Classes allow you to benefit from object-oriented approach for easy implementation of features such as inheritance.

Wijmo now provides the ability to use TypeScript. We ship Wijmo TypeScript definitions file (wijmo.d.ts), including all the essential definitions about wijmo widgets. Refer the wijmo.d.ts file along with optional *.d.ts files in order to enjoy strong typing as well as Intellisense while working with Visual Studio.

Supported Operating Systems:

Visual Studio Versions:

You can find various TypeScript definition files at https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped.


  1. Copy the wijmo.d.ts file into your project from your Wijmo installation definition folder,
  2. Add reference to TypeScript definition (.d.ts) files for Wijmo widgets and jQuery in your TypeScript file.

    TypeScript References
    Copy Code
    /// <reference path="wijmo.d.ts"/>
    /// <reference path="jquery.d.ts"/>
    /// <reference path="raphael.d.ts"/>

    For more information on using TypeScript, Go to TypeScript Tutorial.

Initialize Wijmo widget using TypeScript

Initialize a widget

Initialize Wijgrid with options