Wijmo UI for the Web
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > SparkLine

The wijsparkline widget allows you to display small charts inline. The charts are fast and lightweight so that you can add as many as you need in a page. They are useful in dashboards and grids, and you can add multiple charts to a single row in a grid. The automatically generated tooltips and indicator lines make it easy for users to see individual data values.

The API for wijsparkline is simple, to keep them lightweight, and the defaults are optimized so that you can specify the data and go. For a listing of all of the options, methods, and events available on this widget, please see the API docs for wijsparkline.

In this section

Quick Start

Main Elements

Markup and Scripting

SparkLine How To

Note: Check the Version History for an outline of new features, improvements, and changes to the Wijmo widgets.

Adaptive for Mobile Use

This widget is an adaptive widget. An adaptive widget is different from a jQuery UI widget in that you can use it in both mobile and non-mobile web applications. To use it in non-mobile applications, just use the regular help. To use it in mobile applications:

These steps are demonstrated in the jQuery Mobile topic.

See Also


How To