Wijmo UI for the Web
Input Widgets
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Input Widgets

Wijmo includes several widgets that you can use to collect data from users in your web UI. These widgets allow you to create masked, numeric, percentage, currency, date, and text inputs, depending on the type of data you need to collect. The wijinput widgets are created using the jquery.wijmo.wijinputcore.js, jquery.wijmo.wijinputdate.js, jquery.wijmo.wijinputmask.js, jquery.wijmo.wijinputnumber.js, and jquery.wijmo.wijinputtext.js libraries. The jquery.wijmo.wijinputcore.js library is a sharable base library.

For a listing of all of the options, methods, and events available on these widgets, please see the API docs for wijinputcore.

All input widgets now support arrow and tab movement between widgets, and you can set up automatic movement to the next field for fast input. See Common Input Features for all of the new features that apply to all of the input controls.

Click each of the following widgets for an overview and the markup to create each one. 

Name Description
Common Input Features Learn to use the new features that are common to all of the input widgets.
Format Function Library Learn to format strings as dates, masks, and numbers for other widgets using the same logic that input widgets use.
Validation Function Library Learn to validate stringsas text, masks, numbers, and dates for other widgets using the same logic that input widgets use.
Parsing Function Library Learn to parse strings as dates and numbers for other widgets using the same logic that input widgets use.
InputDate Create drop-down calendars or lists of dates to collect date information from your users.
InputMask Create input boxes to collect information from your users securely with masking characters or with visual cues about the type of data to input.
InputNumber Show input as numeric, currency, or percentages, and add a spinner.
InputText Collect input in a textbox that allows you to set maximum length and maximum lines.

See Also
