Wijmo UI for the Web
Grid Features
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Grid > Grid Features

The main features of wijgrid are listed in the following table.

Feature Description
Column Settings You can use column settings to resize, move, sort, and edit columns, and to edit the column header.
Editing You can use the editingMode option to specify which elements of the grid (cells, rows, headers) the user can edit when in editing mode.
Selecting You can use the selectionMode option to tell wijgrid what is selected when the user clicks to select elements in the grid: a cell, a range of cells, a row, or a column.
Sorting You can allow users to sort in ascending or descending order with the built-in sort function.
Paging You can use the pageSize option to divide large amounts of data into pages of fixed size for comfortable viewing.
Filtering When you have a lot of data, you can filter it to display only data that meets the specified conditions.
Scrolling You can use the scrollMode option to add a scroll bar to allow for easy viewing of large amounts of data.
Grouping and Aggregation You can create a treeview that automatically calculates data aggregation of nodes that you can expand and collapse.
Data Binding You can bind wijgrid to remote data sources such as REST and OData, and to local arrays using the wijmo.data object.
Customizing Wijgrid is customizable and flexible, so you can customize the editor, the header, and other parts of the grid.
Performance Setting the allowVirtualScrolling option to true allows wijgrid to perform quickly and seamlessly, loading data on demand for viewing, with a buffer so that scrolling is seamless.
See Also