Wijmo UI for the Web
Allow Drag and Drop
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Tree > Tree Features > Allow Drag and Drop

Wijtree widget allows users to drag and drop nodes and rearrange the structure of a tree. This reordering can be performed within a single tree or between two different tree widgets. To enable dragging and dropping of nodes, set the values of allowDrag and allowDrop options to true.

The example below demonstrates how a user can customize dragging and dropping of nodes in a tree by using allowDrag and allowDrop options. You can allow or restrict drag-drop for specific tree nodes as well.

Here, node FIle allows only dragging, node Edit allows dropping of a node onto it, but not dragging, whereas node Search allows both drag and drop operations.

If a user doesn't enable or disable the drag and drop options for a particular node, then its operations depend on the options set for its parent node, else default.
Copy Code
<script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
         allowDrop: true,
         allowDrag: true
        //File folder and files allow drag, but not drop.
    $("#filemenu").add("#filemenu li").wijtreenode("option", "allowDrag", true)
                    .wijtreenode("option", "allowDrop", false);  
       //Edit folder and files allow drop, but not drag.            
    $("#edit").add("#edit li").wijtreenode("option", "allowDrag", false)
                    .wijtreenode("option", "allowDrop", true);
       //Search folder and files allow drag and drop both.            
    $("#search").add("#search li").wijtreenode("option", "allowDrag", true)
                    .wijtreenode("option", "allowDrop", true);         
Copy Code
<ul id="tree">
   <li class="folder" id="filemenu"><a><span>File</span></a>
       <li class="file"><a><span>New</span></a></li>
       <li class="file"><a><span>Close</span></a></li>
  <li class="folder" id="edit"><a><span>Edit</span></a>
      <li class="file"><a><span>Copy</span></a></li>
      <li class="file"><a><span>Paste</span></a></li>
<li class="folder" id="search"><a><span>Search</span></a>
     <li class="file"><a><span>Find</span></a></li>
     <li class="file"><a><span>Replace</span></a></li>