Wijmo UI for the Web
Custom Chart Exports
Wijmo User Guide > Concepts > Exporting > Exporting Charts > Custom Chart Exports

If you want to customize the export more extensively, instead of the chart's exportChart method, use wijmo.exporter.exportChart to expose more settings. Here is an example of the method exporting a chart to Tiff format, suitable for faxing.

Note that in the receiver option, we call saveFile, which requires that you include the exportutils.js and FileSaver.js files in the same folder.

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$("#exportImage").button().click(function () {
    var type = $("#exporttype").val();
        serviceUrl: getServiceUrl(),
        chart: $("#wijcompositechart").data("wijmo-wijcompositechart"),
        exportFileType: wijmo.exporter.ExportFileType[type],
        fileName: $("#fileName").val(),
        receiver: saveFile


chart: a wijchart object, e.g. $("#wijbarchart").data("wijmo-wijbarchart")

exportFileType: wijmo.exporter.ExportFileType

valid values: Pdf, Png, Jpg, Bmp, Gif and Tiff

fileName: the string to use as the file's name when you export it

pdf: PdfSetting. See Chart PDF Exports for details.

serviceUrl: the string path to the export service, for example http://localhost/C1ASPNETExportService/exportapi/chart. See Export Service Setup for details.

receiver: void. Customize response data handling.

data: any,

setting: ExportSetting

sender: void. Customize how you send request data to the service.

content: string,

setting: ExportSetting

contentType: string. Specifies the content type of the request.

application/json sends JSON-formatted request data to the service. You must also set the receiver when using this type.

application/x-www-form-urlencoded is the same, but does not require you to set the receiver.

width: Chart widget width in pixels. This option is required.

height: Chart widget height in pixels. This option is required.

widgetName: Chart widget name.

widgetOptions: Chart widget options. Use this option when the method is set to "Options" mode.

HTMLContent: Chart widget HTML markup. Use this option when the method is set to "Content" mode

method: wijmo.exporter.ExportFileType.ChartExportMethod.

valid values: Content and Options


See Also
