Building on the Quick Start example, you can create a composite shared pie chart. This type of chart allows a user to display related data using more than one pie chart on the same canvas. These pie charts share the same legend.
Multiple pie charts in this example illustrate the comparative usage of each major browser in the year 2010 and 2014. The data in the pie chart on the left measures browser usage in the year 2010. The pie chart on the right displays data describing browser usage in the year 2014.
Drop down and copy script to paste in <head> section
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<script type="text/javascript"> requirejs.config({ baseUrl: "", paths: { "jquery": "jquery-1.11.1.min", "jquery-ui": "jquery-ui-1.11.0.custom.min", "jquery.ui": "jquery-ui", "jquery.mousewheel": "jquery.mousewheel.min", "globalize": "globalize.min", "bootstrap": "bootstrap.min", //Needed if you use Bootstrap. "knockout": "knockout-3.1.0" //Needed if you use Knockout. } }); </script> <script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript"> require(["wijmo.wijcompositechart"], function () { $(document).ready(function () { var data2010 = [ { label: "Chrome", data: 6.04 }, { label: "Firefox", data: 31.64 }, { label: "IE", data: 55.25 }, { label: "Safari", data: 3.76 }, { label: "Others", data: 3.31 } ]; var data2014 = [ { label: "Chrome", data: 43.67 }, { label: "Firefox", data: 18.90 }, { label: "IE", data: 22.85 }, { label: "Safari", data: 9.73 }, { label: "Others", data: 4.85 } ]; $("#wijcompositechart").wijcompositechart({ axis: { y: { visible: true, text: "Web Browsers", gridMajor: { visible: false }, textVisible: false}, x: { visible: true, textVisible: false, text: 'Year 2010' + " " + '-' + " " + 'Year 2014' } }, hint: { content: function () { return this.label + '\n ' + this.y + ''; } }, header: { text: "Web Browsers Usage" }, seriesList: [{ label: "2010-2014", type: "sharedPie", data: [ { label: "2010", center: { x: 200, y: 250 }, radius: 100, innerRadius: 40, legendEntry: true, datasource: data2010, data: { label: { bind: "label" }, value: { bind: "data" } } }, { label: "2014", center: { x: 450, y: 250 }, radius: 100, innerRadius: 40, legendEntry: true, datasource: data2014, data: { label: { bind: "label" }, value: { bind: "data" } } } ] }, { }], }); }); }); </script> |