Spread 8 ReadMe
Trial Version

The trial installation provides you with a 30-day trial version of the product. After you install the trial version, you may use it for up to 30 days. The time remaining in the trial period is displayed each time you use one of the Spread controls in a project.

The trial version installs the following portions of the product:

You can purchase Spread at any time by choosing the Purchase button found on the trial screen or the About dialog box. Follow the instructions provided to contact us. Your order is processed while you wait. After your order is processed, you are given a serial number that unlocks the trial software immediately, giving you a fully licensed version of Spread. This unlocking capability is made possible by our proprietary SoftwareSecureTM technology.

After you purchase Spread, you can reinstall the product and install the following portions:

If you decide not to purchase Spread, we recommend that you uninstall the trial version from your system. To do so, run the SETUP.EXE program and use the Remove option.

Note: If you have created projects using the trial version, after the trial version expires if you do not uninstall the trial version you cannot open those projects. To open projects containing expired trial versions of the Spread control, you must uninstall Spread from your system, and then open your project. If you intend to purchase Spread, however, we recommend that you do not open your project until after you purchase and install Spread so as not to lose any settings you set at design time for the Spread control.

Important Note for Visual C++ Developers Using Our ActiveX Controls

If you use the trial version of Spread in projects in Visual C++ and then purchase the licensed version of Spread, you must perform the following steps to use the licensed controls in your existing projects:

  1. Install the licensed version of Spread on your system.
  2. Open your project in Visual C++.
  3. Select the Spread control in your dialog and cut it to the Clipboard to preserve its property settings.
  4. Paste the control back into your dialog.
  5. Perform steps 3 and 4 for each Spread control on dialogs in your project.
  6. Save your project.

If you use the trial version of Spread in projects in Visual Studio C++ 7 (or higher) or C# and then purchase the licensed version of Spread, you must perform the following steps to use the licensed controls in your existing projects:

  1. Install the licensed version of Spread on your system.
  2. Open your project in Visual C++ or C#.
  3. Select the Spread control in your dialog
  4. Open the Spread Designer and save your design settings to an SS8 file (if you set any design settings).
  5. Delete the control from your dialog.
  6. Add the control to your dialog and use the designer to load the SS8 file.
  7. Apply the designer changes
  8. Perform steps 3 through 7 for each Spread control on dialogs in your project.
  9. Save your project.

You must perform these steps to update the licensing information that is saved with your project at the time you originally created it. If you do not perform these steps, your project does not recognize that you are now using licensed versions of the control.



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