Name | Description | |
AxisPosition | Specifies the position for an axis. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
AxisTitle | Specifies a title for the Axis (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
CrossAx | Specifies the ID of axis that this axis cross. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
Crosses | Specifies how this axis crosses the perpendicular axis. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
CrosssAt | Specifies where on the axis the perpendicular axis crosses. The units are dependent on the type of axis. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
Delete | Specifies that chart element specifies by its containing element shall be deleted from the chart. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
Id | Identify used to mark this axis. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
IsAutomaticCategoryAxis | Specifies this axis is a date or text axis based on the data that is used for the axis lables. not a specific choice. | |
LabelAlignment | Specifies the text alignment for the tick lables on the aixs. | |
LabelOffset | Specifies the distance of lables from the axis. | |
MajorGridlines | Specifies major gridlines. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
MajorTickMark | Specifies the major tick marks for the axis. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
MinorGridlines | Specifies minor gridlines. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
MinorTickMark | Specifies the minor tick marks for the axis. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
NoMultiLevelLables | Specifies the labels shall be shown as flat text. | |
NumberFormat | Specifies the number format for the data label. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
NumberFormatLinked | Specifies whethere the data label use the same number formats as the cells that contain the data for the associated data point. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
Scaling | Specifies additional axis scale settings. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
ShapeFormat | Specifies the axis format (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
TextFormat | Specifies the axis text format (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
TickLabelPosition | Specifies the possible positions for the tick labels. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) | |
TickLalelInterval | Specifies how many tick lables to skip between label that is drawn. | |
TickMarkInterval | Specifies how many tick marks shall be skipped before the next noe shall be drawn. | |
Type | Specifies the axis type. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Excel.Chart.IExcelChartAxis) |