Name | Description | |
AlternateContentChoiceStyleList | Represents alternate enhanced functionality content the chart will use if the application understand it. | |
AlternateFallbackStyleList | Represents fall back choice if all alternate choice are not recognized by cosuming application. | |
Anchor | Specifies the chart location. | |
Area3DChart | Specifies there is a area 3D chart. | |
AreaChart | Specifies there is a area chart | |
BackWall | Specifies the back wall of the chart | |
Bar3DChart | Specifies there is a 3D Bar or column series on the chart. | |
BarChart | Specifies there is a Bar or column series on the chart. | |
BubbleChart | Specifies there is a bubble chart. | |
ChartFormat | Represents the format settings for the chart area. | |
ChartTitle | Specifies a title. | |
DataTable | Represents chart table settings | |
DefaultStyleIndex | Specifies the default formatting for all chart elements. | |
DisplayBlanksAs | Specifies how blank cells shall be plotted on a chart. | |
DoughnutChart | Specifies there is a doughnut chart. | |
FloorWall | Specifies the floor of the chart. | |
Hidden | Represents whether the chart is visible or hidden | |
IsDate1904 | Specifies that the chart use the 1904 date system. | |
Legend | Specifies the legend. | |
Line3DChart | Specifies there is a surface 3D chart. | |
LineChart | Specifies there is a surface chart | |
Locked | Represents whether the chart is locked | |
Name | Represents the chart name | |
OfPieChart | Specifies there is a bar of pie or pie of pie chart | |
Pie3DChart | Specifies there is a pie 3d chart. | |
PieChart | Specifies there is a pie chart | |
PlotAreaFormat | Represents the format settings for the plot area. | |
PlotAreaLayout | Represents the layout of the plot area | |
PlotVisibleOnly | Specifies that only visible cells shall be plotted on the chart | |
RadarChart | Specifies there is a radar chart. | |
RoundedCorners | Specifies the chart area shll have rounded corners. | |
ScatterChart | Specifies there is a scatter chart. | |
SecondaryChart | Represents the second chart in the same plot area. | |
ShowAutoTitle | Specifies whether shown chart title or not. | |
ShowDataLabelsOverMaximun | Specifies data labels over the maximun of the chart shall be shown. | |
SideWall | Specifies the side wall of the chart. | |
StockChart | Specifies there is a stock chart. | |
Surface3DChart | Specifies there is a surface 3D chart. | |
SurfaceChart | Specifies there is a surface chart | |
TextFormat | Represents the text format settings for the chart area | |
ViewIn3D | Specifies the 3-D view of the chart. |