Spread Silverlight Documentation
Spread Silverlight Documentation > Formula Reference > Formula Functions > TREND


This function returns values along a linear trend. This function fits a straight line to the arrays known x and y values. Trend returns the y values along that line for the array of specified new x values.




This function has these arguments:

Argument Description
y Set of y values that are known in the relationship y=mx+b
x (Optional) X is an optional set of x values that may be known in the relationship y=mx+b
newx New x values for which this functions returns the corresponding y values
constant Logical value that specifies whether to force the constant b to equal 0


If constant is true or omitted then b is calculated normally. If constant is false then b is equal to 0 and the m values are adjusted so that y=mx.

If x is omitted then x defaults to the array {1,2,3...}, that has the same dimensions as y.

If newx is omitted then it defaults to x.

Use the INDEX function to get individual elements from the returned array.

Data Types

Accepts an array. Returns an array.



See Also