Name | Description | |
ExcelWorkbook Constructor |
The following tables list the members exposed by ExcelWorkbook.
Name | Description | |
ExcelWorkbook Constructor |
Name | Description | |
ActivePaneIndex | Gets or sets the index of the active pane. | |
ActiveSheetIndex | Gets or sets the index of the active sheet. | |
BuiltInNameList | Gets or sets the built-in names used in the workbook | |
CalculationMode | Gets or sets the calculation mode of the workbook | |
ColorPalette | Represents the custom color palette used in workbook. | |
CustomOrFunctionNameList | Gets or sets the custom or function names used in the workbook. | |
DefaultCellFormat | Gets or sets the default cell format of the workbook.. | |
DefaultPivotTableStyleName | Get or set the name of the default table style to apply to new PivotTables. | |
DefaultTableStyleName | Get or set the name of the default table style to apply to new tables. | |
DifferentialFormattings | Gets or sets the differential formatting settings of the workbook. | |
ExcelCellFormats | Gets or sets the excel cell formats used in the workbook. | |
ExcelRect | Gets or sets the excel rect used to represents the workbook window. | |
ExcelStyles | Gets the excel styles used in the workbook. | |
ExternWorkbooks | Gets or sets the extern workbook information used in the workbook | |
FirstDisplayedTabIndex | Gets or sets the first index of the displayed tab. | |
HorizontalScrollBarPolicy | Gets or sets the horizontal scroll bar policy. | |
Is1904Date | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the workbook use 1904 date system. | |
IsIterataCalculate | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is iterate calculate. | |
IsWindowDisplayAsIcon | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is window display as icon. | |
IsWindowHidden | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is window hidden. | |
Locked | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the IExcelWorkbook instance is locked. | |
MaximumChange | Gets or sets the maximum change of the workbook. | |
MaximumIterations | Gets or sets the maximum iterations of the workbook | |
NamedCellRanges | Gets or sets the global named cell ranges. | |
Operator | Gets the excel operator which used to read or write information from (to) excel. | |
PrecisionAsDisplay | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value is full precision. | |
RecalculateBeforeSave | Gets or sets a value indicating whether recalculate formulas before save. | |
ReferenceStyle | Gets or sets the workbook reference style. | |
SaveExternalLinks | Gets or sets a value indicating whether save external links during save. | |
SelectedTabCount | Gets or sets the selected tab count. | |
TableStyles | Get the table styles used in the current workbook | |
TabStripPolicy | Gets or sets the tab strip policy. | |
TabStripRatio | Gets or sets the tab strip ratio. | |
Theme | Represents the Theme used in the workbook | |
VerticalScrollBarPolicy | Gets or sets the vertical scroll bar policy. | |
Worksheets | Get an ExcelWorksheet collection that represents all the worksheets in the workbook. |
Name | Description | |
GetPaletteColor | Gets the closest palette color of specified color. | |
GetThemeColor | Gets the color of the theme. | |
Open | Overloaded. Open an existing file. | |
Save | Overloaded. Save the workbook to stream, it will use the specified file type as the file format, the file will be encrypt if the password is not null. |