Spread Silverlight Documentation
Settings Tab
Spread Silverlight Documentation > Spread Designer > Spread Designer Interface > Spread Designer Tabs > Settings Tab

The Settings tab can be used to set control or sheet properties.

The following table lists the group options:

Group Description
Spread Settings The General option in this group allows you set user options and Clipboard options.
  The SplitBox option in this group allows you to specify the leading or trailing option.
  The TabStrip option in this group allows you to set tab strip properties.
  The ScrollBars option in this group allows you to set scroll bar properties.
  The View option in this group allows you to specify overflow and range group display options.
Sheet Settings The General option in this group allows you to set the number of columns, rows, frozen columns, and frozen rows. You can also specify the selection mode.
  The Calculation option in this group allows you to set the reference style.

The GridLines option in this group allows you to show or hide gridlines and set the color.

  The Headers option in this group allows you to specify number, type, and visibility.
  The SheetTab option in this group allows you to set the sheet tab color.
  The SelectionStyle option in this group allows you to set the selection color and background.