Spread.Sheets Documentation
Adding Rows

You can add rows after binding.

Using Code

This example adds rows after the last row.

Copy Code

window.onload = function(){
          var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"),{sheetCount:3});
          var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();

//Create a data table manually.
     var sampleTable = [
         {"ID":10, "Text":"Text-10", "Check":true},
         {"ID":20, "Text":"Text-20", "Check":false},
         {"ID":30, "Text":"Text-30", "Check":false},
         {"ID":40, "Text":"Text-40", "Check":true},
         {"ID":50, "Text":"Text-50", "Check":true}
     //Bind the data table

         console.log("The number of all rows in the datasource before addition:" + sampleTable.length);
         var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
         var row = activeSheet.getRowCount();

         //Add rows after the last row
         activeSheet.addRows(row, 1);
         //Set data.
         activeSheet.setValue(row, 0, 100);
         activeSheet.setValue(row, 1, "Text-New");
         activeSheet.setValue(row, 2, true);
         activeSheet.getCell(row, -1).backColor("pink");
         //Data table has been updated.
         console.log("The number of all rows in the datasource after addition:" + sampleTable.length);
         console.log("The value of the Text field in the last row of the datasource: " + sampleTable[sampleTable.length - 1].Text);


See Also

Developer's Guide



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