Spread.Sheets Documentation
Using Keyboard Navigation

You can change the active cell or select cells with the mouse or keyboard keys. You can also use keyboard keys to make changes to the cell data.

The end user can use the following default, keyboard keys:

Ctrl+Z undo
Ctrl+Y redo
Ctrl + Down navigationBottom
Down navigationDown
End navigationEnd
Ctrl+Right navigationEnd
Ctrl+Home navigationFirst
Home navigationHome
Ctrl+Left navigationHome2
Ctrl+End navigationLast
Left navigationLeft
Tab moveToNextCell
PageDown navigationPageDown
Ctrl+PageUp NavigationPreviousSheet
Ctrl+PageDown NavigationNextSheet
PageUp navigationPageUp
Shift+Tab moveToPreviousCell
Right navigationRight
Ctrl+Up navigationTop
Up navigationUp
Delete clear
Back clearAndEditing
Enter commitInputNavigationDown
Shift+Enter commitInputNavigationUp
ESC cancelInput
Shift+Left selectionLeft
Shift+Right selectionRight
Shift+Up selectionUp
Shift+Down selectionDown
Shift+Home selectionHome
Ctrl+Shift+Left selectionHome
Shift+End selectionEnd
Ctrl+Shift+Right selectionEnd
Shift+PageUp selectionPageUp
Shift+PageDown selectionPageDown
Ctrl+Shift+Up selectionTop
Ctrl+Shift+Down selectionBottom
Ctrl+Shift+Home selectionFirst
Ctrl+Shift+End selectionLast
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+V Paste
Alt+Enter InputNewLine



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