Spread.Sheets Documentation
Sheet Settings Exported

This table summarizes how the Sheet settings are handled when Spread.Sheets exports to an Excel-formatted file. These functions are in the GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet class unless otherwise noted.

Sheet Setting Excel Setting and Remarks
name Excel uses this setting.
defaults : rowHeight, columnWidth,
columnHeaderRowHeight, rowHeaderColumnWidth
Excel only use the default.colWidth setting, but loads other settings to the column or row header.
columns Excel uses this setting.
rows Excel uses this setting.
autoGenerateColumns Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
dataSource Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
frozenRowCount or frozenColumnCount Excel uses this setting.
frozenTrailingRowCount or frozenTrailingColumnCount Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
rowCount Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
columnCount Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
data Excel loads the data from Spread.Sheets.
sparkline Excel uses this setting.
spans Excel uses this setting.
selections Excel uses this setting.
selectionBackColor Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
selectionBorderColor Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
activeRowIndex Excel uses this setting.
activeColumnIndex Excel uses this setting.
gridline Excel uses this setting, but if the vertical or horizontal grid line is hidden, then both are exported as hidden in Excel.
allowCellOverflow Excel ignores the Sheet setting. allowCellOverflow is always true in Excel.
zoomFactor Excel uses this setting.
theme Excel uses the first sheet theme as the current theme and ignores other sheet theme settings.
showRowOutline or showColumnOutline Excel ignores the Sheet setting. Excel uses the range group that is shown.
rowOutlines or columnOutlines Excel uses this setting.
rowFilter Excel uses this setting.
conditional formats Excel uses this setting.
sheetTabColor Excel uses this setting.
frozenlineColor Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
rowHeaderAutoText(Index) or colHeaderAutoText(Index) Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
rowHeaderVisible or colHeaderVisible Excel uses this setting.
row header column count Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
column header row count Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
clipboardOptions Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
isProtected Excel uses this setting.
borderColor Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
borderWidth Excel ignores the Sheet setting. This is specific to Spread.Sheets.
table Excel uses this setting.
named styles Excel uses this setting.



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