Spread.Sheets Documentation
Print Settings Imported

This table summarizes how the PrintInfo settings are handled when Spread.Sheets imports data from an Excel-formatted file.

Excel Setting Spread.Sheets Setting Remarks
BlackAndWhite blackAndWhite Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
CenterHorizontally or CenterVertically centering Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintArea columnEnd Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintArea columnStart Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
FirstPageNumber firstPageNumber Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
FitToPagesTall fitPagesTall Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
FitToPagesWide fitPagesWide Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
CenterFooter footerCenter Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
CenterFooterPicture footerCenterImage Spread.Sheets only supports this with OpenXml Excel.
LeftFooter footerLeft Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
LeftFooterPicture footerLeftImage Spread.Sheets only supports this with OpenXml Excel.
RightFooter footerRight Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
RightFooterPicture footerRightImage Spread.Sheets only supports this with OpenXml Excel.
CenterHeader headerCenter Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
CenterHeaderPicture headerCenterImage Spread.Sheets only supports this with OpenXml Excel.
LeftHeader headerLeft Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
LeftHeaderPicture headerLeftImage Spread.Sheets only supports this with OpenXml Excel.
RightHeader headerRight Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
RightHeaderPicture headerRightImage Spread.Sheets only supports this with OpenXml Excel.
LeftMargin or RightMargin or TopMargin or BottomMargin or FooterMargin or HeaderMargin margin Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
Orientation orientation Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
Order pageOrder Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PaperSize paperSize Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintTitleColumns repeatColumnEnd Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintTitleColumns repeatColumnStart Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintTitleRows repeatRowEnd Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintTitleRows repeatRowStart Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintArea rowEnd Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintArea rowStart Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintHeadings showColumnHeader Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintGridlines showGridLine Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
PrintHeadings showRowHeader Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.
Zoom zoomFactor Spread.Sheets imports the setting from Excel.



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