Spread.Sheets Documentation > Developer's Guide > Managing Data > Using Spread.Sheets with Angular 2 |
You can use Spread.Sheets in an Angular 2 project.
Use the following steps to create an Angular 2 project with Spread.Sheets.
git clone https://github.com/angular/quickstart.git
cd quickstart
npm install
npm start
a. Create a directory named lib in app directory.
b. Copy the following files to the directory.
Note: If you do not put gc.spread.sheets.angular2.*.*.*.d.ts and GC.Spread.Sheets.d.ts in the same directory, then update the reference path in the first line of gc.spread.sheets.angular2.*.*.*.d.ts. Then reference gc.spread.sheets.all.*.*.*.min.js and gc.spread.sheets.*.*.*.css in index.html.
a. Modify app.module.ts for importing the Spread.Sheets module.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';b. Modify app.component.ts to create data for the Spread.Sheets component.
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
template: `<gc-spread-sheets [backColor]="spreadBackColor" [hostStyle]="hostStyle">
<gc-worksheet [name]="sheetName" [dataSource]="data">
<gc-column dataField="Name" width=300></gc-column>
<gc-column dataField="Category" [width]=columnWidth></gc-column>
<gc-column dataField="Price" [width]=columnWidth formatter="$ #.00"></gc-column>
<gc-column dataField="Shopping Place" [width]=columnWidth></gc-column>
export class AppComponent {
spreadBackColor = 'aliceblue';
sheetName = 'Goods List';
hostStyle = {
width: '800px',
height: '600px'
data = [
{Name: 'Apple', Category: 'Fruit', Price: 1, 'Shopping Place': 'Wal-Mart'},
{Name: 'Potato', Category: 'Fruit', Price: 2.01, 'Shopping Place': 'Other'},
{Name: 'Tomato', Category: 'Vegetable', Price: 3.21, 'Shopping Place': 'Other'},
{Name: 'Sandwich', Category: 'Food', Price: 2, 'Shopping Place': 'Wal-Mart'},
{Name: 'Hamburger', Category: 'Food', Price: 2, 'Shopping Place': 'Wal-Mart'},
{Name: 'Grape', Category: 'Fruit', Price: 4, 'Shopping Place': 'Sun Store'}
columnWidth = 100;
The following topics provide additional information about tag hierarchy and the Spread elements.