Represents the command used to apply a new value to a cell on the worksheet.
* The command has a boolean field canUndo that indicates whether the command supports undo and redo operations, and an execute method that performs an execute or undo operation.
* The arguments of the execute method are as follows.
context {GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook} The context of the operation.
options {Object} The options of the operation.
* options.sheetName {string} The sheet name.
* options.row {number} The row index of the cell.
* options.col {number} The column idnex of the cell.
* options.newValue {Object} The new value of the cell.
* options.autoFormat {boolean} Whether to format the new value automatically.
isUndo {boolean} true
if this is an undo operation; otherwise, false
See Also