Spread.Sheets Documentation
NumberFormat Field
Indicates all the number format fields.
var instance = new GC.Spread.Common.CultureInfo();
var value; // Type: Object
value = instance.NumberFormat;
var NumberFormat : Object;
{string} currencyDecimalSeparator - Indicates the currency decimal point.
{string} currencyGroupSeparator - Indicates the currency thousand separator.
{string} currencySymbol - Indicates the currency symbol.
{string} numberDecimalSeparator - Indicates the decimal point.
{string} numberGroupSeparator - Indicates the thousand separator.
{string} listSeparator - Indicates the separator for function arguments in a formula.
{string} arrayListSeparator - Indicates the separator for the constants in one row of an array constant in a formula.
{string} arrayGroupSeparator - Indicates the separator for the array rows of an array constant in a formula.
{object} dbNumber - Specifies the DBNumber characters.
The dbNumber object structure
     1: {letters: ['\u5146', '\u5343', '\u767e', '\u5341', '\u4ebf', '\u5343', '\u767e', '\u5341', '\u4e07', '\u5343', '\u767e', '\u5341', ''], // \u5146\u5343\u767e\u5341\u4ebf\u5343\u767e\u5341\u4e07\u5343\u767e\u5341
         numbers: ['\u25cb', '\u4e00', '\u4e8c', '\u4e09', '\u56db', '\u4e94', '\u516d', '\u4e03', '\u516b', '\u4e5d'] }, // \u25cb\u4e00\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u516d\u4e03\u516b\u4e5d
     2: {letters: ['\u5146', '\u4edf', '\u4f70', '\u62fe', '\u4ebf', '\u4edf', '\u4f70', '\u62fe', '\u4e07', '\u4edf', '\u4f70', '\u62fe', ''], // \u5146\u4edf\u4f70\u62fe\u4ebf\u4edf\u4f70\u62fe\u4e07\u4edf\u4f70\u62fe
         numbers: ['\u96f6', '\u58f9', '\u8d30', '\u53c1', '\u8086', '\u4f0d', '\u9646', '\u67d2', '\u634c', '\u7396']}, // \u96f6\u58f9\u8d30\u53c1\u8086\u4f0d\u9646\u67d2\u634c\u7396
     3: {letters: null,
         numbers: ['\uff10', '\uff11', '\uff12', '\uff13', '\uff14', '\uff15', '\uff16', '\uff17', '\uff18', '\uff19']} // \uff10\uff11\uff12\uff13\uff14\uff15\uff16\uff17\uff18\uff19
See Also


CultureInfo type



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