Spread.Sheets Documentation

This function finds one text value within another and returns the text value’s position in the text you searched.




This function has these arguments:

Argument Description
findtext Text you are trying to find; if empty (" "), the function matches the first character in the search string (that is, the character numbered start or 1); cannot contain wildcard characters
intext Text through which you are searching
start [Optional] Number representing character at which to start the search; the first character of intext is 1; if omitted, the calculation starts at 1; if not an integer, the number is truncated


This function performs a case-specific search (for example, to specify a capital letter and not lower case letters).

Data Types

Accepts string data for the findtext argument, string data for the intext argument, and numeric data for the start argument. Returns numeric data.




FIND(""P"",""FarPoint Technologies"") gives the result 4

FIND(""n"",""FarPoint Technologies"",8) gives the result 4

See Also



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