Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
DisplayAlignment Property

Gets or sets the text alignment when displaying the horizontal axis when the control does not have input focus.
Public Property DisplayAlignment As DisplayAlignment
Dim instance As GcTextBoxCellType
Dim value As DisplayAlignment
instance.DisplayAlignment = value
value = instance.DisplayAlignment
public DisplayAlignment DisplayAlignment {get; set;}

Property Value

One of the GcTextBox.DisplayAlignment enumeration values that specifies how text is aligned in the control.
The default is DisplayAlignment.None.
This property is used to display text with different character spacing settings. If the text of this GcTextBox is longer than this control's width, the character spacing effect disappears.
This example uses the DisplayAlignment property.
GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcTextBoxCellType inputcell1 = new GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcTextBoxCellType();
inputcell1.AcceptsArrowKeys = FarPoint.Win.SuperEdit.AcceptsArrowKeys.AllArrows;            
inputcell1.DisplayAlignment = GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.DisplayAlignment.Distributed;
AutoCompleteStringCollection acsc = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
acsc.AddRange(new string[] { "One", "Two", "Three", "Four" });
inputcell1.AutoCompleteCustomSource  = acsc;
inputcell1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
inputcell1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
fpSpread1.Sheets[0].Cells[1, 1].CellType = inputcell1;
Dim inputcell1 As New GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcTextBoxCellType
inputcell1.AcceptsArrowKeys = FarPoint.Win.SuperEdit.AcceptsArrowKeys.AllArrows
inputcell1.DisplayAlignment = GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.DisplayAlignment.Distributed
Dim acsc As New AutoCompleteStringCollection
acsc.AddRange(New String() {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four"})
inputcell1.AutoCompleteCustomSource = acsc
inputcell1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest
inputcell1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
FpSpread1.Sheets(0).Cells(1, 1).CellType = inputcell1

Target Platforms: Windows 2000 Professional (SP4), Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server (SP1), Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 2008, Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

See Also


GcTextBoxCellType Class
GcTextBoxCellType Members



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