Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
UndoManager Class Fields

For a list of all members of this type, see UndoManager members.

Protected Fields
Protected FieldactionCancelledSpecifies whether the pending action has been cancelled.  
Protected FieldactionIsRedoSpecifies whether actionInProcess is being redone  
Protected FieldactionIsUndoSpecifies whether actionInProcess is being undone  
Protected FieldactionPendingSpecifies whether an action is in progress (to prevent recursion).  
Protected FieldmaxLengthSpecifies the maximum number of UndoAction objects to keep on the undo or redo stacks.  
Protected FieldmredoListSpecifies the redo stack (last element is on top).  
Protected FieldmundoListSpecifies the undo stack (last element is on top).  
Protected FieldspreadViewSpecifies the view passed to the constructor.  
See Also


UndoManager Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread.UndoRedo Namespace



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