Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
StyleInfo Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see StyleInfo members.

Public Methods
Public MethodCloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance (with the same style settings).  
Public MethodCompareToCompares the current object with another object of the same type.  
Public MethodComposeOverloaded. Composes style settings using the current style settings and those of a specified object.  
Public MethodCopyFromCopies the specified style settings of the specified object to the current object.  
Public MethodDeserializeLoads the style information from XML.  
Public MethodEqualsDetermines whether the style settings of this object are equivalent to the object specified.  
Public MethodGetAppearanceGets the appearance settings for the specified object.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeGets the hash code of this object.  
Public MethodIsBackColorSetGets whether the background color of the cell (BackColor property) is set.  
Public MethodIsBorderSetGets whether the cell border (Border property) is set.  
Public MethodIsCanFocusSetGets whether the focusable setting of the cell (CanFocus property) is set.  
Public MethodIsCellPaddingSetGets whether the cell padding of the cell is set.  
Public MethodIsCellTypeSetGets whether the type of cell (CellType property) is set.  
Public MethodIsEditorSetGets whether the editor for the cell (Editor property) is set.  
Public MethodIsFontSetGets whether the font of the cell (Font property) is set.  
Public MethodIsForeColorSetGets whether the text color of the cell (ForeColor property) is set.  
Public MethodIsFormatterSetGets whether the formatter for the cell (Formatter property) is set.  
Public MethodIsHorizontalAlignmentSetGets whether the horizontal alignment of the cell contents (HorizontalAlignment property) is set.  
Public MethodIsImeModeSetGets whether IME mode is on (ImeMode property set) for a cell.  
Public MethodIsImeSentenceModeSetGets whether IME mode is on (ImeMode property set) for a cell.  
Public MethodIsInputScopeSetGets whether input scope is on (InputScope property set) for a cell.  
Public MethodIsLockedSetGets whether the locked setting of the cell (Locked property) is set.  
Public MethodIsNoteIndicatorColorSetGets whether the cell note indicator color of the cell is set.  
Public MethodIsNoteIndicatorPositionSetDetermines whether the cell note indicator position is set.  
Public MethodIsNoteIndicatorSizeSetDetermines whether the cell note indicator size is set.  
Public MethodIsNoteStyleSetGets whether the note style setting of the cell (NoteStyle property) is set.  
Public MethodIsParentSetGets whether the parent of the cell (Parent property) is set.  
Public MethodIsPropertySetGets whether the specified cell style setting (property) is set.  
Public MethodIsRendererSetGets whether the renderer for the cell (Renderer property) is set.  
Public MethodIsTabStopSetGets whether the tab stop setting of the cell (TabStop property) is set.  
Public MethodIsTextIndentSetDetermines whether the text indent is set.  
Public MethodIsVerticalAlignmentSetGets whether the vertical alignment of the cell contents (VerticalAlignment property) is set.  
Public MethodIsVisualStyleSetGets whether visual styles are on (VisualStyles property set) for a cell.  
Public MethodMergeOverloaded. Merges the style settings with the current object.  
Public MethodResetResets all the style settings in the StyleInfo object to the default settings.  
Public MethodResetBackColorResets the BackColor property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetBorderResets the Border property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetCanFocusResets the CanFocus property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetCellPaddingResets the cell padding.  
Public MethodResetCellTypeResets the CellType property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetEditorResets the Editor property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetFontResets the Font property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetForeColorResets the ForeColor property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetFormatterResets the Formatter property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetHorizontalAlignmentResets the HorizontalAlignment property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetImeModeResets the ImeMode property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetImeSentenceModeResets the ImeSentenceMode property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetInputScopeResets the InputScope property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetLockedResets the Locked property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetNoteIndicatorColorResets the NoteIndicatorColor property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetNoteIndicatorPositionResets the cell note indicator position.  
Public MethodResetNoteIndicatorSizeResets the cell note indicator size.  
Public MethodResetNoteStyleResets the NoteStyle property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetParentResets the Parent property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetPropertyResets a style setting (property) to its default setting.  
Public MethodResetRendererResets the Renderer property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetTabStopResets the TabStop property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetTextIndentResets the text indent.  
Public MethodResetVerticalAlignmentResets the VerticalAlignment property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetVisualStylesResets the visual styles (XP themes) for the style to the default.  
Public MethodSerializeSaves the style information to XML.  
Public MethodSetAppearanceSets the appearance settings of an Appearance object into this object.  
See Also


StyleInfo Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace
Appearance Class

User-Task Documentation

Creating and Applying a Style for Cells



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