Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
DefaultSheetDataModel Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see DefaultSheetDataModel members.

Public Methods
Public MethodAddColumnOverloaded. Adds a column to the data model.  
Public MethodAddColumnsAdds one or more columns to the data model at the specified position.  
Public MethodAddCustomFunctionAdds a new user-defined custom function to the model for use in formulas.  
Public MethodAddCustomNameOverloaded. 

Adds a custom name to the model using the specified value.

Public MethodAddModelScopeCustomNameOverloaded. Adds a custom name to the model scope.  
Public MethodAddRowOverloaded. 

Adds a row to the data model.

Public MethodAddRowsAdds rows to the data model at the specified position.  
Public MethodAddRowToDataSourceAdds the unbound row to the data source.  
Public MethodAddUnboundRowsAdds unbound rows to the data model.  
Public MethodCheckModelScopeNameChecks if the specified name is one of the model scope custom names of this data model and returns the name of the custom name in the data model.  
Public MethodCheckNameChecks if the specified name is one of the common scope custom names of this data model and returns the name of custom name in the data model.  
Public MethodClearRemoves all the data and formulas from the specified range of cells.  
Public MethodClearCustomFunctionsRemoves all user-defined custom functions from the model.  
Public MethodClearCustomNamesRemoves all named expressions from the model.  
Public MethodClearDataRemoves all the data from the specified range of cells.  
Public MethodClearFormulasRemoves all of the formulas from the specified range of cells.  
Public MethodClearModelScopeCustomNameRemoves all named expressions from the model scope.  
Public MethodCompareExpressionGets whether two expressions are equal.  
Public MethodCopyCopies the data from a range of cells to a specified range of cells.  
Public MethodDeserializeLoads the object from XML.  
Public MethodEvaluateExpressionEvaluates the expression in the cell at the specified row and column and returns the resulting object.  
Public MethodGetAggregationResultCalculates the value based on the aggregation type and formats the value with the aggregation format.  
Public MethodGetAggregationTypeGets the AggregationType, as a string value, at the specified column.  
Public MethodGetArrayOverloaded. Gets an object array from a specified range of cells.  
Public MethodGetCellErrorTextGets a user-defined note value for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetChildDataModelGets the data model (ISheetDataModel object) for the specified row and data relation.  
Public MethodGetChildRelationGets the name of the child data relation at the specified position.  
Public MethodGetColumnIndexGets the index of the column specified by name.  
Public MethodGetCustomFunctionGets a user-defined custom function from the model.  
Public MethodGetCustomFunctionEnumeratorGets an IEnumerator that enumerates through the names of the custom functions in the model.  
Public MethodGetCustomNameOverloaded. Gets a named expression from the model with the specified base index for relative cell references.  
Public MethodGetCustomNameCommentGets a comment for a common custom name.  
Public MethodGetCustomNameEnumeratorGets an IEnumerator that enumerates through the names of the named expressions in the model.  
Public MethodGetDataColumnCaptionGets the column caption at the specified position.  
Public MethodGetDataColumnFromModelColumnGets the data source column index for the specified column in the model.  
Public MethodGetDataColumnNameGets the column name at the specified position.  
Public MethodGetDataColumnTypeGets the column data type at the specified position.  
Public MethodGetDataRowGets the view of a specified row of data.  
Public MethodGetDataRowFromModelRowGets the data source row index for the specified row in the model.  
Public MethodGetDataTableGets the data table associated with this model.  
Public MethodGetDataViewOverloaded. Gets the DataView object for this model.  
Public MethodGetExpressionGets the formula, as an expression value, for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetFormulaGets the formula, as a string value, for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetItemReturns the IEditableObject from a row that is data bound to a DataView or ListSource.  
Public MethodGetModelColumnFromDataColumnGets the column in the model for the specified data source column.  
Public MethodGetModelRowFromDataRowGets the row in the model for the specified data source row.  
Public MethodGetModelScopeCustomNameOverloaded. Gets a named expression from the model with the specified base index for relative cell references.  
Public MethodGetModelScopeCustomNameCommentGets the comment from a custom name.  
Public MethodGetModelScopeNameEnumeratorGets an IEnumerator that enumerates through the names of the named expressions in the model.  
Public MethodGetNonEmptyErrorTextsColumnCountGets the number of columns that contain notes.  
Public MethodGetNonEmptyErrorTextsRowCountGets the number of rows that contain notes.  
Public MethodGetNonEmptyNotesColumnCountGets the number of columns that contain notes.  
Public MethodGetNonEmptyNotesRowCountGets the number of rows that contain notes.  
Public MethodGetNoteOverridden. Gets a user-defined note value for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetRowErrorTextGets a user-defined error value for the cell of the specified row.  
Public MethodGetTagOverridden. Gets an application-defined tag value for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetUnboundValueGets the unbound value for the cell for the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetValueOverridden. Gets the value of the cell for the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGoalSeekAttempts to find a value for one cell that produces the desired formula result in another cell.  
Public MethodIsColumnBoundDetermines whether the specified column is bound to a data source column.  
Public MethodIsEditableOverridden. Determines whether the value in the cell of the specified row and column can be edited.  
Public MethodIsEmptyOverridden. Determines whether the data model is empty.  
Public MethodIsRowBoundDetermines whether the specified row is bound to a data source row.  
Public MethodIsRowUsedOverloaded. Specifies whether the row uses a formula, tag, or note.  
Public MethodLoadFormulasLoads formulas that are deserialized, but not parsed yet, to be used after all sheets have been created and deserialized.  
Public MethodModifyCustomNameChanges the name of the shared custom name.  
Public MethodModifyModelScopeCustomNameModifies the name of a model scope custom name.  
Public MethodMoveMoves the data from a range of cells to the specified location.  
Public MethodNextNonEmptyColumnFormulaReturns the next non-empty column with a formula.  
Public MethodNextNonEmptyColumnInRowOverloaded. Overridden. Gets the index of the next column in a specified row that contains data.  
Public MethodNextNonEmptyRowOverloaded. Overridden. Gets the index of the next non-empty row after the specified row index.  
Public MethodNextNonEmptyRowFormulaReturns the next non-empty row with a formula.  
Public MethodParseFormulaParses the string value and returns the expression for the cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodPreviousNonEmptyColumnInRowOverloaded. Gets the previous non-empty column in the row.  
Public MethodPreviousNonEmptyRowOverloaded. Returns the previous non-empty row.  
Public MethodRecalculateEvaluates the formulas in the sheet that have changed since the last calculation cycle.  
Public MethodRecalculateAllEvaluates all the formulas in the entire sheet (including those that have not changed since the last calculation cycle).  
Public MethodRemoveColumnRemoves a column at the specified position.  
Public MethodRemoveColumnsRemoves one or more columns starting with the column at the specified position.  
Public MethodRemoveCustomFunctionRemoves a user-defined custom function from the model.  
Public MethodRemoveCustomNameRemoves a named expression from the model.  
Public MethodRemoveModelScopeCustomNameRemoves a custom name in the model scope.  
Public MethodRemoveRowRemoves a row at the specified position.  
Public MethodRemoveRowsRemoves one or more rows, starting with the specified row.  
Public MethodResumeFormulaParsingResumes parsing of formulas and parses all formulas set while parsing was suspended.  
Public MethodSerializeOverloaded. Saves the object to an XmlTextWriter object.  
Public MethodSetAggregationTypeSets the AggregationType, as an enumeration value, at the specified column. If you pass null, it clears the AggregationType from that column.  
Public MethodSetArrayOverloaded. Sets an object array into a specified range of cells.  
Public MethodSetCellErrorTextSets a user-defined note value for the cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodSetCustomNameCommentSets a comment for a common custom name.  
Public MethodSetExpressionSets the formula, as an expression value, for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodSetFormulaSets the formula, as a string value, for the cell of the specified row and column. If you pass null, it clears the expression from that cell.  
Public MethodSetModelDataColumnOverloaded. Binds the model column to the specified data source column.  
Public MethodSetModelScopeCustomNameCommentSets a custom name comment.  
Public MethodSetNoteOverridden. Sets a user-defined note value for the cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodSetRowErrorTextInternal method to set row expression without triggering auto calculation.  
Public MethodSetTagOverridden. Sets an application-defined tag value for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodSetValueOverridden. Sets the value for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodSuspendFormulaParsingSuspends parsing of formulas.  
Public MethodSwapSwaps the specified ranges of cells.  
Public MethodUnparseFormulaGets the formula, as a string value, from the specified expression for the cell at the specified row and column.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodGetListSourceGets the IList data source for this model.  
Protected MethodOnAggregateRaises the Changed event, and permits derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate.  
Protected MethodOnChangedOverridden. Raises the Changed event, and permits derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate.  
See Also


DefaultSheetDataModel Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model Namespace

User-Task Documentation

Using Sheet Models



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