Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
PSObject Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see PSObject members.

Public Methods
Public MethodFocusMoves the focus to the element. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.ElementWindowless)
Public MethodGetPictureRegionGets the region of the picture.  
Public MethodGetRotateHandleRectangleGets the rotate handle rectangle.  
Public MethodGrabHandleFromPointReturns the grab handle from the specified point.  
Public MethodOnPaintOverloaded. Overridden. Initiates a redraw for the object to repaint itself.  
Public MethodPointInGrabHandleGets whether the specified point is in a grab handle.  
Public MethodPointInRotateHandleGets whether the specified point is in the rotate handle.  
Public MethodPrintPrints the shape objects.  
Public MethodRefreshForces the element to invalidate its client area and immediately repaint. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.ElementWindowless)
Public MethodRotateOverloaded. Rotates the object by the specified angle around the center of the object.  
Public MethodScaleOverloaded. Adjusts the size of the object by the specified amount.  
Public MethodSetBoundsOverloaded. Overridden. Sets the bounds of the object to the specified position and size.  
Public MethodSetElementStyleOverloaded. Sets the style for the element. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.ElementWindowless)
Public MethodUpdateOverridden. Causes the control to redraw invalidated region.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodDeserializeEntryCreates a new shape object from serialization. Serialize single entry. Should not overrides unless using base serialize for binary or item need combination might missing.  
Protected MethodFinalizeThe destructor method  
Protected MethodGetRotateAngleGets the rotate angle.  
Protected MethodOnNameChangingRaises the NameChanging event. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.ElementWindowless)
Protected MethodPaintOutlinePaints the outline of a GraphicsPath shape.  
Protected MethodResetParentInternal use only. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.ElementWindowless)
Protected MethodSetBoundsFloatOverloaded. Overridden. Sets the bounds of the object to the specified position and size.  
Protected MethodSetBoundsFloatInternalSet float bound.  
Protected MethodSizeRegionOverloaded. Resizes the specified region.  
See Also


PSObject Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread.DrawingSpace Namespace



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