Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
UndoRedoManager Class Events

For a list of all members of this type, see UndoRedoManager members.

Public Events
Public EventActionCompleteOccurs when the undo or redo action is complete.  
Public EventActionPerformingOccurs when the undo or redo action is performing, users can cancel this action. Actions are cancelled are not added to the undo list.  
Public EventRedoCompleteOccurs when the redo action is complete.  
Public EventRedoPerformingOccurs when the redo action is performing, user can cancel this redo action. Cancelled redo action are not added to undo list and are not removed from redo list.  
Public EventUndoCompleteOccurs when the undo action is complete.  
Public EventUndoPerformingOccurs when the undo action is performing, user can cancel this undo action. Cancelled undo action are not added to redo list and are not removed from undo list.  
See Also


UndoRedoManager Class
FarPoint.Win.Chart Namespace



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