Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
PlotArea Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see PlotArea members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyDepthGets or sets the depth of the plot area.  
Public PropertyElevationGets of sets the counterclockwise rotation around the horizontal axis.  
Public PropertyGlobalAmbientLightGets or sets the color of the global ambient light.  
Public PropertyLightsGets the collection of lights for the plot area.  
Public PropertyLocationGets or sets the location of the plot area in control canvas space.  
Public PropertyManualLayoutGets or sets whether the layout of the plot area is automatically generated.  
Public PropertyProjectionGets or sets the projection from 3D model space to 2D control canvas space.  
Public PropertyRotationGets of sets the counterclockwise rotation around the vertical axis.  
Public PropertySeriesGets the series collection for the plot area.  
Public PropertySizeGets or sets the size of the plot area in control canvas space.  
Public PropertyVaryColorMultiSeriesGets or sets whether the VaryColor of the plot area is automatically generated.  
See Also


PlotArea Class
FarPoint.Win.Chart Namespace



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