Spread Windows Forms 9.0 Product Documentation
Axis Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by Axis.

Protected Fields
Protected Field_titleManualLayoutSpecifies whether the axis title items are placed manually.  
Protected Field_titleOverlaySpecifies whether the axis title overlaps the axis label.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyLabelFormatterGets or sets the label formatter object for the axis labels.  
Public PropertyTitleManualLayoutGets or sets whether the axis title items are placed manually.  
Public PropertyTitleOverlayGets whether the axis title overlaps the axis label.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnChangedRaises the Changed event.  
Public Events
Public EventChangedOccurs when the axis is changed.  
See Also


Axis Class
FarPoint.Win.Chart Namespace



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