Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation
Understanding Procedures in the Documentation
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Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation > Developer's Guide > Getting Started > Getting More Practice > Understanding Procedures in the Documentation

Glossary Item Box

There are several different ways to accomplish the same result when creating a Windows Forms page with a Spread component. In this documentation, the procedures often describe more than one way, including using the Properties window in Visual Studio .NET, writing code including using shortcut objects, and using the Spread Designer. The Spread Designer sets properties and calls methods for the component, including properties not available at design time through Visual Studio .NET, without producing any editable code.

Each of these has its advantages and disadvantages. Using shortcut objects is the shortest, quickest way of adding code using dot notation and setting a property of a shortcut object. Using code without using shortcut objects generally means declaring objects and setting properties for them. Typically, for either way of writing code, there is an example given.

Documentation Provided

The Spread for ASP.NET documentation provides introductory information about the product, conceptual information, how-to topics, and a detailed assembly and formula function reference in a help file and in PDF files. Additional information is provided in the Read me file.

Accessing the Help

You can access the help through F1 support provided in Visual Studio .NET. While the component or one of its members has focus, press F1 to display the Spread for ASP.NET help.

You can also access the help file in a stand-alone window by choosing Start‑>Programs‑>ComponentOne‑>...->Product->Help.

The help for Spread for ASP.NET is provided in several different formats: MSHelp2 format (created by Microsoft), CHM, and the help format used by Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

The MSHelp2 format (HXS) is registered on your system and is integrated using collection files. You cannot double-click on the help file (.HxS) to view it directly. Also, if you move the help file or any of its associated collection files (.Hx*) from where they were installed on your system, the help will not work.

Documentation Conventions

The format of the help is similar to the help provided for Visual Studio .NET. Reference material for members provides multiple language reference for the member. You can change which language's syntax is displayed by clicking the Languages button in the title of the topic.

List of How-To's

Here is a list of the commonly used procedures covered in the documentation:

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