Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation
Print Settings Exported
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Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation > Import and Export Reference > Excel-Formatted File Export > Print Settings Exported

Glossary Item Box

The following table summarizes how Spread exports print settings to an Excel-formatted file. The properties listed in the table are in the PrintInfo class, unless otherwise noted. For more information, see the Assembly reference.

FarPoint.Web.Spread.PrintInfo Excel Print Setting Remarks
Orientation Orientation  
ZoomFactor Adjust to  
UseSmartPrint Fit to  
SmartPrintPagesTall Fit to  
SmartPrintPagesWide Fit to  
  Paper size This setting is not available in Spread.
FirstPageNumber First page number  
Top (PrintMargin class) Top  
Left (PrintMargin class) Left  
Right (PrintMargin class) Right  
Bottom (PrintMargin class) Bottom  
Header (PrintMargin class) Header  
Footer (PrintMargin class) Footer  
Centering Center on page  
Header and Footer    
Header Header  
Footer Footer  
  Different odd and even pages This setting is not available in Spread.
  Different first page This setting is not available in Spread.
  Scale with document This setting is not available in Spread.
  Align with page margins This setting is not available in Spread.
RowStart, RowEnd, ColStart, and ColEnd Print area  
RepeatRowStart and RepeatRowEnd Print titles: Rows to repeat at top  
RepeatColStart and RepeatColEnd Print titles: Column to repeat at left  
ShowGrid Print gridlines  
ShowColor Print black and white  
  Print draft quality This setting is not available in Spread.
ShowColumnHeaders and ShowRowHeaders Print column and row headings  
PrintNotes Print comments  
  Print cell errors This setting is not available in Spread.
PrintPageOrder Page order  

Information about the type of printer (such as name) is not exported.

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